Entity Framework Extensions EFCore BulkExtensions

What is EFCore BulkExtensions?

BulkExtensions are extension methods added to EFCore to enhance your CRUD operation performance and reduce the memory usage in your application. Bulk Methods has been created to be very easy to use and easy to customize.

Here is an example that Bulk Insert in EF Core a list of Invoice and related InvoiceItems by using the IncludeGraph option:

context.BulkInsert(invoices, options => { options.IncludeGraph = true});

The Bulk Insert method is not only faster than using the SaveChanges method but also reduces the memory consumption

10k invoices, 50k InvoiceItem:

IncludeGraph SaveChanges
Memory 60 MB 200 MB
Performance 1.5s 6s

100k invoices, 500k InvoiceItem:

IncludeGraph SaveChanges
Memory 400 MB 1800 MB
Performance 10s 58s

Using BulkExtensions can improve your performance by more than 5 times faster and with the benefit of using around 20% of the memory of what SaveChanges requires.

Which EFCore BulkExtensions method are supported?

Which version of Entity Framework is supported?

  • Entity Framework Core Version: EF Core 8, EF Core 7, EF Core 6, EF Core 5, and lower
  • Entity Framework Version: EF6 and lower

Which provider is supported for Bulk Extensions?

All major providers are supported:

  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

Bulk Insert

The EF Core Bulk Insert extension method is the main method of our BulkExtensions library. It allows you to insert thousands and millions of entities in your database quickly and efficiently.

The most common options used are:

  • AutoMapOutputDirection: This option allows to optimize performance by not returning outputting values such as identity values.
  • InsertIfNotExists: This option ensures only new entities that don't already exist in the database are inserted.
  • InsertKeepIdentity: This option allows the insertion of specific values into an identity column from your entities.
  • IncludeGraph: This option enables the insertion of entities along with all related entities found in the entity graph, maintaining the relationships.
context.BulkInsert(customers, options => {
	options.AutoMapOutputDirection = false;
	options.InsertIfNotExists = true;

await context.BulkInsertAsync(customers);

Bulk SaveChanges

The EF Core Bulk SaveChanges extension method allows you to replace the SaveChanges method to improve your saving performance. The only difference between both methods is the BulkSaveChange inserts, updates, and deletes data faster!

// context.SaveChanges();
context.BulkSaveChanges(options => { });

await context.BulkSaveChangesAsync();

Bulk Update

The EF Core Bulk Update extension method allows you to update data in your database in bulk.

The most common options used are:

  • ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression: This option allows you to use a custom key to check for pre-existing entities.
  • ColumnInputExpression: This option enables you to specify a subset of columns to update by using an expression.
  • ColumnInputNames: This option allows you to specify a subset of columns to update by providing their names.
  • IncludeGraph: This option allows updating entities along with all related entities found in the entity graph, maintaining the data relationships.
context.BulkUpdate(customers, options => {
	options.ColumnInputExpression = x => new { x.FirstName, x.LastName };

await context.BulkUpdateAsync(customers);

Bulk Delete

The EF Core Bulk Delete extension method allows you to delete data in your database in bulk.

The most common options used are:

  • ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression: This option allows the usage of a custom key to verify the existence of entities.
  • DeleteMatchedAndConditionExpression: This option enables you to perform or skip the deletion action based on whether all values from the source and destination are equal for the specified properties.
  • DeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression: This option allows you to perform or skip the deletion action if at least one value from the source differs from the destination for the specified properties.
  • DeleteMatchedAndFormula: This option lets you perform or skip the deletion action based on a predefined SQL condition.
context.BulkDelete(customers, options => {
	options.DeleteMatchedAndFormula = "DestinationTable.CreatedDate < DATEADD(YEAR, -2, GETDATE())";

await context.BulkDeleteAsync(customers);

Bulk Merge / Upsert

The EF Core Bulk Merge extension method allows you to add or update data in your database in bulk. People often search for this feature on other names, such as Upsert, AddOrUpdate, or InsertOrUpdate bulk extensions.

The most common options used are:

  • ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression: This option allows for the use of a custom key to verify the existence of entities.
  • IgnoreOnMergeInsertExpression: This option enables you to ignore certain columns only for the insert phase of the merge operation.
  • IgnoreOnMergeUpdateExpression: This option allows you to ignore specific columns only during the update phase of the merge operation.
  • IncludeGraph: This option ensures updating of entities along with all related entities found in the entity graph, preserving data relationships.
context.BulkMerge(customers, options => {
	options.ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression = x => new { x.Code };
	options.IgnoreOnMergeInsertExpression = x => new { x.UpdatedDate, x.UpdatedBy };
	options.IgnoreOnMergeUpdateExpression = x => new { x.CreatedDate, x.CreatedBy };

await context.BulkMergeAsync(customers);

Bulk Synchronize

The EF Core Bulk Synchronize extension method allows you to insert or update or delete data in your database in bulk. In other words, the data of your database becomes a mirror of the entities you provided. People often search for this feature as AddOrUpdateOrDelete or InsertOrUpdateOrDelete bulk extensions.

context.BulkSynchronize(customers, options => { });

await context.BulkSynchronizeAsync(customers);

Bulk Read

The EF Core BulkRead extension method allows you to retrieve entities from your database by:

  • providing a list of ids (int, guid, string, etc.)
  • providing a list of entities and using the model key or providing a custom one
var list1 = context.Customers.BulkRead(ids);
var list2 = context.Customers.BulkRead(list, key => new { x.Email, x.PhoneNumber });

var list3 = await context.Customers.BulkReadAsync(ids);

Where Bulk Contains

The EF Core WhereBulkContains extension method allows you to retrieve entities from your database by:

It can be used with practically any type of data source, such as:

  • Basic types like List<int> and List<Guid>
  • Entity Types like List<Customer>
  • Anonymous Types
  • Lists of Expando Objects

The WhereBulkContains is a deferred method (so it doesn't materialize entities), while the BulkRead is an immediate method (under the hood, it calls the WhereBulkContains + ToList()).

var list1 = context.Customers.WhereBulkContains(ids).ToList();
var list2 = context.Customers.WhereBulkContains(list, key => new { x.Email, x.PhoneNumber });

var list3 = await context.Customers.WhereBulkContains(ids).ToListAsync();

Where Bulk Not Contains

The EF Core WhereBulkNotContains method is similar to the WhereBulkContains method, but this time, it returns all data from the database that cannot be retrieved from the provided list.

The WhereBulkNotContains is a deferred method (so it doesn't materialize entities), while the BulkRead is an immediate method (under the hood, it calls the WhereBulkContains + ToList()).

var list1 = context.Customers.WhereBulkContains(ids).ToList();
var list2 = context.Customers.WhereBulkContains(list, key => new { x.Email, x.PhoneNumber });

var list2 = await context.Customers.WhereBulkContains(ids).ToListAsync();


Learning how to use EFCore BulkExtensions to improve critical parts of your application that could benefit from performance enhancement or memory usage reduction is an essential tool that any developer must know. In addition to performance and memory benefits, you also have access to hundreds of options to customize your bulk operations and save the data the way you desire.

Last updated: 2024-08-30